Four-year-old Miguel Ovoke, a student at BrickHall School in Abuja, tragically passed away during a school feeding session and will be laid to rest on Friday, May 10, 2024, at Gudu Cemetery in Abuja. The family's lawyer, Deji Adeyanju, announced this in a statement provided to our correspondent.
The statement included an open invitation to the media, urging them to cover both the burial and a joint press conference by Miguel’s family and the school’s management, scheduled for the same day at the cemetery. "The tragic loss of Miguel Ovoke has captured significant public attention, and we seek media presence to ensure the accurate dissemination of information," the statement said.
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Miguel choked on a piece of meat during lunch at school and was immediately taken to Excel Specialist Hospital. Despite the medical team's efforts, he was pronounced dead on arrival on April 24. The medical report confirmed that all resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful.
Both the school management and the Parents Teacher's Forum have offered their deepest sympathies to Miguel's family, describing the incident as deeply distressing. They commended the school nurse's quick action and the subsequent rush to the hospital, although, regrettably, Miguel could not be saved.
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