Social critic Martins Otse, widely known as VeryDarkMan, has shared his struggles with an eye condition, which he attributes to excessive phone usage. The activist expressed that his dedication to fighting for others' rights has taken a personal toll.
He revealed that the constant exposure to screen time has contributed to his eye problems and that his activism has left him with little privacy and numerous adversaries. Despite the challenges, VeryDarkMan remains resolute, insisting that quitting is not an option.
On his Instagram page, he wrote:
“Bro to bro, people’s problems are wearing me down. I’ve been dealing with eye issues from always being on my phone. I’m stressed. I legit don’t even have a private life anymore.
“Sad part is, I’ve gone too deep to turn back, and the crazy thing is, for everyone I fight for, I make an enemy of the person I fight against. Lol. We move.”
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