In Lagos on Wednesday, an unfortunate incident unfolded, leading to the ejection of two adults from an 18-seater bus into the Lagos lagoon, resulting in significant repercussions.
Mr. Ibrahim Farinloye, the Lagos Territorial Coordinator for the National Emergency Management Agency, conveyed this information via a statement. He detailed that the Marine Police are actively engaged in locating the missing individuals, a male and a female, who fell from the LT 18-seater bus. According to Farinloye, the incident transpired near the Adeniyi Adele axis on the Third Mainland Bridge, as the bus, registered under FKJ 872 YA, veered off course due to the driver's excessive speed, colliding with the bridge railings.
This collision forcefully propelled the two passengers into the Lagos lagoon. Efforts are underway by the Marine Police to locate and rescue the victims. Additionally, the injured parties have been promptly transported to a nearby medical facility for treatment.