Namtira Bwala, a student at Lead British International School in Abuja, has initiated legal proceedings against the school following allegations of bullying by her peers. Bwala asserts that the school failed in its duty to provide a safe and supportive learning environment. Represented by Marvin Omorogbe of Deji Adeyanju and Partners, she lodged a civil suit at the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory in Abuja.
In her legal action, Bwala demands a public apology published in two national newspapers and seeks compensation totaling ₦500 million for general damages. This move follows a previous warning from the Adeyanju chamber, which threatened legal action if the perpetrator of the bullying incident involving Bwala was not held accountable.
Bwala's statement emphasizes the school's obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of its students, highlighting the alleged failure to prevent the assault, emotional distress, and breach of privacy she experienced while under the school's care. She seeks redress for the negligence and breach of duty of care exhibited by the school.
The incident gained public attention after a video surfaced online showing Bwala being physically harassed by her classmate, Maryam Hassan. The video depicts Maryam assaulting and interrogating Bwala, leading to emotional distress.