Renowned Nigerian musician and instrumentalist Harrison Tare Okiri, popularly known as Harrysong, has issued a cautionary message, urging netizens to refrain from seeking dating advice on social media.
The singer, sharing his perspective on his Instagram story on Wednesday, highlighted that such advice often comes from content creators primarily focused on generating content to sustain themselves.
Harrysong questioned the wisdom of taking relationship guidance from individuals hustling for their livelihood in his statement. He specifically pondered the irony of a married woman leaving her four-year marriage with two children only to become the extramarital partner of another married man. The singer emphasised the importance of discernment, suggesting that pursuing such advice may not necessarily lead to positive outcomes.
In conclusion, Harrysong succinctly remarked, "Stop taking dating advice on social media. It’s from a content creator. Na hustle, they are seeking help. Married woman left her marriage of 4 years and two kids because her husband cheated. And she’s now a side chick to a married man. Na progress be that?"