Rita Daniels, a prominent figure in Nollywood, has been named the Senior Special Assistant for Women Mobilization to the Governor of Delta State. This significant development was made public by her daughter, fellow actress Regina Daniels, through an Instagram post.
Regina Daniels expressed her immense pride and joy while extending her heartfelt congratulations to her mother for this "well-deserved" appointment. She applauded Rita Daniels for her unwavering commitment, tireless efforts, and enduring perseverance over the years. Regina firmly believes that this appointment is just the commencement of a series of even greater accomplishments for her beloved mother.
In her Instagram post, Regina conveyed her sentiments: "Congratulations to my wonderful mother @rita.daniels06 on your thoroughly earned appointment as the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor of Delta State for women mobilization. Your diligence and unwavering commitment over the years will undoubtedly bear fruit, by God's grace, my queen. @rita.daniels06, I firmly believe that this marks the inception of an even more remarkable journey, my dear mother.