A tragic incident unfolded at the Terminus Market in Jos North Local Government Area, where a police officer attached to the enforcement team of the Jos Metropolitan Development Board was reportedly shot and killed on Wednesday morning. The market has been a focal point for security agents and task force officials, who have been working to clear the area of street trading in recent weeks.
Eyewitnesses at the market provided varying accounts of the events leading up to the shooting. Amina Mohammed, one of the traders present, described a scene of tension and confusion as enforcement officials attempted to uphold the state law banning street hawking. According to her, resistance from some traders escalated, prompting a Mobile Police Officer to discharge a firearm. Tragically, a stray bullet struck his colleague on duty, leading to panic among those present. Despite efforts to rush the victim to the hospital, he succumbed to his injuries.
Haruna, another witness, attributed the officer's death to hoodlums who had remained defiant despite enforcement efforts. He recounted hearing a gunshot as security agents sought to disperse traders displaying their wares on the roadside against task force directives. Sadly, the bullet found its mark on one of the policemen, who later passed away despite medical intervention.
Alabo Alfred, spokesperson for the Plateau State Police Command, confirmed awareness of the incident and stated that an investigation had been launched to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. As authorities delve into the matter, questions linger over the sequence of events and the factors contributing to the untimely loss of a dedicated law enforcement officer.