A tragic incident unfolded at Gusau Central Market as a fire engulfed multiple shops, resulting in the loss of one life. The devastating blaze erupted at approximately 9 p.m. last night, originating in the furniture section of the largest market in the state capital.
According to Hamza Mohammed, the Commander of the Nigerian Fire Service at the New Market office, a shop owner whose identity remains unknown lost his life while attempting to enter his shop to extinguish the flames forcefully. Firefighters from the state command swiftly responded to the emergency, commencing efforts to contain and extinguish the inferno since 9 p.m. yesterday.
Despite their valiant efforts, the fire has impacted several shops, and the extent of the damage is considerable.
The cause of the fire remains unidentified at this point, adding to the situation's complexity. The firefighting team has managed to prevent the spread of the flames to other shops, showcasing their dedication and skill in managing the crisis. The entire community is left in shock and mourning over the tragic loss of life and the destruction caused by this unforeseen event.