In a recent update, renowned Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo has confirmed that the nurse responsible for treating the late Nigerian rapper, Ilerioluwa Olademeji Aloba, widely known as Mohbad, has been taken into custody by the authorities.
Ojo shared this significant development through a heartfelt video message on her Instagram page, shedding light on her meeting with the Lagos State Commissioner of Police. During the briefing, she discussed the strides made in the police investigation into Mohbad's untimely passing.
"The police have made notable progress in Mohbad's case," Ojo revealed. "The nurse involved has been apprehended. This is the information I can share at the moment."
Additionally, Ojo disclosed that the police have made several other arrests concerning the investigation. She said, "They have taken some individuals into custody and called upon others to come forward."
As a quick recap, Mohbad's passing on September 12, 2023, left many lingering questions. His father, James Aloba, expressed suspicions in an interview, pointing towards the auxiliary nurse administering an injection to Mohbad before his demise. Mr Aloba suggested that this injection might have played a role in complicating his son's health.
The recent developments in the case are a significant step forward in unravelling the circumstances surrounding Mohbad's tragic departure. The community continues to mourn the loss of the talented artist, while the pursuit of justice remains a priority for his family and fans.
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