Renowned rapper Oladipupo Oladimeji, popularly known as Oladips, has set the record straight, vehemently denying allegations of faking his death amid viral reports suggesting a death hoax to boost the promotion of his latest album, 'Superhero Adugbo.'
The rapper's management initially conveyed the shocking news of his demise through a statement on his Instagram page on November 15, 2023, stating that he passed away on November 14, 2023. However, conflicting reports emerged as associates, including rapper Qdot, took to social media to confirm Oladips' continued existence.
Oladips, eager to dispel the rumours, presented video evidence demonstrating his well-being, which inadvertently fueled speculation that the entire episode was orchestrated to generate publicity for his new project.
Addressing the swirling rumours on his Instagram story recently, the rapper pointed fingers at Qdot, attributing the allegations of a staged death to his fellow artist. Oladips expressed his disappointment, revealing that Qdot hastily proclaimed his vitality on social media "at a time when my family was unsure of my situation."
In a candid expression of frustration, Oladips clarified the lack of recent communication between him and Qdot, stating, "Bro, I went through it, and anything could have happened. The last me and you had any conversation was January 2, 2022. I have proof, and I will soon tell the story in full! Because why do you guys always do this in this industry, tori olorun?" (Meaning, for God's sake).