Ghanaian Chef Ebenezer Smith, also known as Millennium Chef Smith, has been apprehended and is currently held at La Police Station for allegedly fabricating a Guinness World Record claim in a marathon cooking event. Smith recently presented a certificate asserting himself as the new record holder for an 820-hour and 25-minute cook-a-thon, purportedly conducted from February 1 to March 6, 2024.
This announcement was made during a press conference at La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra, accompanied by a lavish event featuring performances by Praye Tietia, Yaw Tog, Amerado, Kofi Jamar, and the Asakaa Boys.
In his address, Smith expressed profound gratitude and described the occasion as a monumental day in his life. However, the legitimacy of his claim was promptly debunked by Alina Polianskaya, the PR Executive for Guinness World Records (GWR), who confirmed to BBC that Smith's certificate was not genuine. The current record holder for the longest cooking marathon by an individual remains Alan Fisher of Ireland, who achieved a time of 119 hours, 57 minutes, and 16 seconds in Matsue, Japan, from September 28 to October 3, 2023.
Following the revelation of the falsified record, Smith was arrested by the police. Reports indicate that he had received substantial financial support from sponsors under false pretenses. Efforts to obtain a statement from La Police regarding the incident were unsuccessful.
Alan Fisher's achievement surpasses the previous record held by Nigerian chef Hilda Baci by over 24 hours, solidifying his place as a notable figure in culinary world records.