We’ve learned boxing legend has personally reached out to George’s family wanting to help out in any way he can, including the burial costs.

According to Hollywood Unlocked, who broke the story, Floyd expressed his desire to help to the family while speaking to the company’s CEO Jason Lee.
During the conversation, Mayweather shared how distraught he was after learning the minimal charge given to the Minnesota officer who killed George Floyd, only third-degree murder and manslaughter.
As you know, many believe the officer should be charged with first-degree murder which could carry a sentence of life in prison. Also, many protestors are calling for the other three officers who assisted in pinning down Mr. Floyd, to also be arrested and charged with crimes associated to his death.
Mayweather claims he was in a group chat with Anzel Jennings, the CEO of TMT’s music label, who shared with the legendary boxer she grew up with George Floyd in Houston, Texas.
After speaking with his CEO, Mayweather was able to reach out to George Floyd’s family after Jennings re-connected with them family in Texas.
The 43-year-old boxer committed to paying for three funeral services — on in Houston (George’s hometown), one in Minnesota, and another in Charlotte. According to HU, the family is also looking for a fourth location to have a celebration of life.
Although the original conversation with Mayweather was in private, HU’s Jason Lee explained to him why he wanted to share Mayweather’s gesture with the world. “I felt it was important to share this because his voice has a global impact that needs to be heard, especially during these times,” he said.

As we reported, several other A-list celebrities have stepped up to help the Floyd family — along with aiding those who are protesting in various cities.
Jay-Z personally called the Governor of Minnesota to stress that justice needs to be served for George Floyd, his point to redirect the criminal case of the officers to a different jurisdiction.
Also, Chrissy Teigen has pledged $200,000 to help pay legal costs of protestors who were arrested over the weekend for exercising their rights.