Actor Femi Branch has voiced his frustration over the growing trend of cinemas promoting one film at the expense of others. His concerns came to light during a meet-and-greet event for Toyin Abraham’s latest movie, Alakada: Bad and Bougie, where he observed some troubling practices.
In a video, Branch revealed that cinema staff often wear promotional T-shirts for a specific film, remove media cards for other movies from their counters, and replace them with those for the promoted film. He also alleged that staff members encourage patrons to watch certain movies, even suggesting they are better than the films the customers originally intended to see.
Branch stressed that cinemas should not be in the business of dictating what people choose to watch. He warned those engaging in such practices to cease, as it creates division within the industry. The actor called for a more level playing field for all producers, urging cinemas to maintain fairness and transparency in their promotional efforts.
This comes after Toyin Abraham, actress and producer, also spoke out about the challenges film owners face in cinemas. She highlighted how some fans expect gifts in exchange for watching her movie, further skewing the playing field for producers who are unable to afford such incentives.