Famous Afrobeats artist, Davido, has launched a new social media app named Chatter. The announcement was made through a trending post on his official X handle on Friday. Davido revealed that he co-owns the app with his close friend, Sir Banko.
Chatter is described as a social audiovisual platform designed to connect content creators with a vibrant community, amplifying their voices. This marks Davido's third internet project in the past eight months. Earlier, the musician had introduced his cryptocurrency, $DAVIDO coin, which faced criticism and skepticism from cryptocurrency enthusiasts shortly after its launch.
🚀 Chatter is now live in the App Store WORLDWIDE! 🌍
Just 5 months ago, I revealed my role in this amazing platform, and today it's finally here! 🎉
Download now ➡️ https://t.co/r4WWi9FvUo
Need an invite? Ask a friend on the app or reach out to @Chatter_US on X & Instagram.…— Davido (@davido) July 11, 2024