A devastating fire claimed the lives of a customs officer, Tijani Kabiru, his wife, and four of their children in the early hours of Monday in the Akankan Area of Ede, Osun State. Kabiru, who served with the Oyo/Osun Command, tragically lost his family in the blaze that has left the local community in shock and mourning.
The fire broke out around 3 a.m., prompting neighbors to alert firefighters. One neighbor, Kola, recounted the tragic scene:
“I can’t say when the fire started, but we noticed smoke at about 3 a.m. While the firemen responded quickly, the house was already severely damaged. Sadly, Kabiru, his wife, and four of their children were burnt to death. Only one child managed to escape.”
Firefighters from the Ede Zonal Command and a backup team from the Fire Service Headquarters in Abere worked to extinguish the flames, but the inferno had already consumed much of the residence by the time they arrived.
Osun State Fire Service spokesperson Ibraheem Adekunle confirmed the incident, sharing a statement from the agency’s director, Olaniyi Alimi. The statement provided details about the tragedy:
“The fire was reported at 3:21 a.m. through a distress call. The victims included Mr. Tijani Kabiru, aged in his late 40s, his wife in her early 40s, and four children—three boys and a girl, aged between three and ten. A 13-year-old boy miraculously survived.”
The estimated damage is valued at ₦200 million, though firefighters managed to save property worth ₦500 million. The street where the tragedy occurred is named after the deceased officer, highlighting his standing in the community.
The remains of the victims have been handed over to the Nigeria Police Force's A’ Division, while investigations into the cause of the fire are ongoing. The incident has cast a somber shadow over the Akankan area as residents mourn the loss of a family.