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February 11, 2022 5 Healthy Habits For Your Kidney

5 Healthy Habits For Your Kidney

Maintaining the health of your kidneys is critical to your overall well-being.

The kidney is in charge of manufacturing hormones that control blood pressure and red blood cell formation.

They activate a type of vitamin D that aids your body’s absorption of calcium for bone development and muscular hurt

Kidney illnesses are silent killers that can have a negative impact on your quality of life. I have put together easy healthy habits to care for your kidney and reduce the risk of developing kidney disease.

1. Control Your Blood Sugar

When you eat a lot of sugary meals, your body has to work extra hard to filter out the sugar in yregularlyno longer beneficial. If this occurs on a regular basis, it might result in life-threatening injuries. Moderation is essential!

2. Stop Smoking

Cigarette smoking raises your risk of developing cancer. It weakens and destroys your blood vessels, slowing blood flow from your body to your kidney. Quit smoking!

3. Regular exercise

Regular exercise keeps your heart healthy, reduces blood pressure, and lowers the risk of chronic kidney disease. You don’t have to engage in strenuous exercises; running, dancing, walking, engaging in house chores, and fun activities will yield great results.

4. Eat healthily and monitor your weight

Eat foods made with fresh ingredients and fruits, and avoid eating junk foods.

Monitor your weight to curb the risk of experiencing health conditions like; heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease.

Your kidneys are vital to your well-being and, taking care of them should be your top priority. Ensure you maintain a health-conscious and active lifestyle for your kidney to stay healthy.

5. Water

Drinking water is a crucial healthy habit for the kidney. Water helps in clearing sodium and toxins from your kidneys.

Consistent water intake helps you stay hydrated, lowers your risk of chronic kidney disease, and curbs the deposition of kidney stones in the future.

Ensure you drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters daily.


February 3, 2022 Miss USA Cheslie Kryst’s Mum Says Her Daughter Battled ‘High-Functioning Depression Which She Hid From Everyone

Miss USA Cheslie Kryst’s Mum Says Her Daughter Battled ‘High-Functioning Depression Which She Hid From Everyone

April Simpkins, the mother of former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst has revealed her daughter battled ‘high-functioning depression before she leaped from a Manhattan apartment building to her death battled high-functioning depression.

Kryst, 30, was found on a sidewalk next to her luxury apartment building The Orion in Hell’s Kitchen on Sunday morning. The beauty queen who lived alone in the complex’s ninth floor was last seen in a common area on an open terrace on the 29th level.

Taking to Instagram to pay tribute to her daughter, Simpkins said Kryst’s bubbly and vivacious personality masked inner struggles.

She wrote:

I have never known a pain as deep as this. I am forever changed.

Today, what our family and friends privately knew was the cause of death of my sweet baby girl, Cheslie, was officially confirmed. While it may be hard to believe, it’s true. Cheslie led both a public and a private life. In her private life, she was dealing with high-functioning depression which she hid from everyone – including me, her closest confidant – until very shortly before her death.

While her life on this earth was short, it was filled with many beautiful memories. We miss her laugh, her words of wisdom, her sense of humor and mostly her hugs. We miss all of it – we miss all of her. She was a vital part of our family which makes this loss even more devastating.

Cheslie – to the world, you were a ball of sunshine wrapped in smiles. We talked, FaceTimed or texted one another all day, every day. You were more than a daughter – you were my very best friend. Talking with you was one of the best parts of my day. Your smile and laugh were infectious.

I love you baby girl with all my heart. I miss you desperately. I know one day we’ll be together again. Until then, rest easy and in peace.

In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to Dress for Success, an organization that was dear to her heart. If you or anyone else is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255.

Thank you all for continuing to respect the privacy of our family while we grieve.

Her father, 62-year-old Rodney Kryst, said earlier this week that he believed she was depressed due to ‘family disfunction.’

‘She was sad,’ he told the New York Post.

He also said she was ‘pure’ and didn’t suffer from substance abuse problems.

Before her death, she shared one last photo of herself on Instagram and wrote in her caption: ‘May this day bring you rest and peace.’



January 26, 2022 World’s Oldest Male Gorilla Dies At 61

World’s Oldest Male Gorilla Dies At 61

Ozzie, the world’s oldest male Gorilla is dead.

The western lowland silverback was found dead by his “heartbroken” care team at Zoo Atlanta in Georgia, US, on Tuesday morning, January 25.

The gorilla who died at the age of 61, is said to have lost his appetite since last week and was being provided with supportive care to encourage him to eat and drink.

But over the last 24 hours he had been treated for facial swelling, weakness and an inability to eat or drink, the zoo said.

Raymond B King, the zoo’s president and chief executive, said:


“This is a devastating loss for Zoo Atlanta. While we knew this time would come someday, that inevitability does nothing to stem the deep sadness we feel at losing a legend.

“Ozzie’s life’s contributions are indelible, in the generations of individuals he leaves behind in the gorilla population and in the world’s body of knowledge in the care of his species.

“Our thoughts are with his care team, who have lost a part of their lives and a part of their hearts.”

Ozzie has more than 20 descendants, according to the zoo. He is survived by daughter Kuchi; sons Kekla, Stadi, and Charlie; granddaughter Lulu; great-granddaughter Andi, and great-grandson Floyd, all of whom live at Zoo Atlanta, according to the release. The rest of his offspring live at other accredited zoos in the US and Canada.

The gorilla first arrived in Atlanta in 1988, and was part of a scientific milestone when he became the first gorilla to get a blood pressure reading.

He held the title of oldest male gorilla, but Fatou, a 64-year-old female at Berlin Zoo is still the oldest living gorilla.

Last year, Ozzie was one of 13 gorillas at Zoo Atlanta who tested positive for COVID-19. Officials said they believed the apes contracted it from a fully vaccinated zoo worker who was wearing protective equipment. The worker was asymptomatic.

The zoo said it would release the results of Ozzie’s post-mortem after it is completed by the University of Georgia’s veterinary college.


January 21, 2022 Reasons You Should Take More Oranges

Reasons You Should Take More Oranges

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what of oranges?

Oranges are one of the cheapest and most common fruit in Nigeria today. They also add many benefits to one’s health.

Here are five reasons you should take more oranges;

One orange is the equivalent of half cup of water. Men are supposed to take roughly four litres of water, and women should drink about three litres of water in a day.

Drinking enough water helps your metabolism, organs, helps with weight loss and gives you energy.

Oranges contain Vitamin C. Topical Vitamin C or oral Vitamin C works like magic on your skin. They protect the skin from free radicals that can cause wrinkles and skin damage.

Oranges possess carotenoids, and this keeps the mucus membrane healthy thus maintaining almost perfect eyesight.

Macular degeneration also affects eyesight as people age; oranges reduce damage ageing brings.

Another nutritional component of oranges is Vitamin B6 and magnesium. These nutrients promote good blood health. Vitamin B6 increases the production of haemoglobin which regulates blood pressure.

5 Reasons You Should Take More Oranges

Oranges are a source of soluble and insoluble fibre. If you are feeling constipated or have irritable bowel, oranges help with the smooth running of the stomach.

Taking whole oranges is better than drinking packaged orange juice. You might be fooled into thinking that drinking orange juice is just as good as an actual orange but they are packed with calories and preservatives that are not so healthy.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is better.

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