A surprising and alarming incident recently unfolded in Dolphin Estate, Lagos State, shocking some residents. A concerned individual, identified as "X user," shared this unsettling story on Monday, shedding light on the confusion and fear gripping the community in the wake of this discovery.
The post in question narrated the unfolding events: "Since last night, when a python was found and subsequently eliminated in Dolphin Estate, numerous questions have arisen, leaving residents with a sense of unease and trepidation. The sheer size of this snake has left us perplexed!"
Curiosity prompted further investigation into the incident to uncover a rationale behind this unexpected occurrence. A well-known young man owned the property in question, although he was absent then. However, his driver was present, residing in the estate's BQ (Boys' Quarters).
Adjacent to this particular residence is a neighbouring house that houses many pet dogs. These dogs have been reproducing, and their owners have, over time, noticed a puzzling pattern: When the dogs gave birth, a portion of the puppies inexplicably vanished without a trace. Out of eight puppies, only four were typically found.
Behind this stretch of houses within the estate lies the SSS Quarters, a vicinity characterised by extensive grounds, untamed vegetation, and a canal.
The driver of the property was in the BQ, which featured a compromised ceiling, through which the snake managed to enter and ultimately descended. Once inside, the python coiled up and assumed a menacing posture, raising its head in preparation to attack.
The property owner was swiftly informed of the presence of this potentially lethal intruder in his home, one that no one in the vicinity dared to approach. The owner promptly contacted a friend residing in Parkview Estate, who possessed a licensed shotgun. This friend rushed to the scene, took aim, and successfully eliminated the snake.
It was also noted that several cats that frequented the ceilings of these houses had mysteriously disappeared.
The prevailing belief is that the snake had been venturing into the premises to capture and devour the cats and dog puppies. While this might not have been the first time such an incident occurred, it proved to be the last occurrence for the snake. Its ultimate destination appeared to be the nearby house where the puppies were kept.
This unusual incident carries a valuable lesson, underscoring the need for residents to pay closer attention to their environment. Many of the homes in the estate have remained unoccupied for extended periods, and the compounds have become overgrown with vegetation, resembling miniature forests. Such conditions create a conducive environment for reptiles like the python to thrive. This story serves as a reminder that we must be mindful of our surroundings and take proactive measures to care for our environment.