The Inspector-General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, has directed immediate action against the perpetrators of the attack on the Nganzai Divisional Police Headquarters in Borno State. The assault, carried out by Boko Haram terrorists in the early hours of Thursday, claimed the lives of two officers, Inspector Bartholomew Kalawa and Corporal Mustapha Huzaifat, and left another officer critically injured.
The attack, which occurred around 12:10 AM, was repelled with the assistance of the civilian joint task force stationed nearby. Following the incident, Egbetokun condemned the act and ordered a thorough investigation and crackdown on the attackers, vowing that no cop killer would escape justice.
In a statement released by Force Public Relations Officer, ACP Olumuyiwa Adejobi, the IGP expressed condolences to the families of the fallen officers and assured them of immediate payment of all entitlements and benefits due to the deceased.
The IGP also directed the Zone 15 Assistant Inspector-General of Police, Kenechukwu Onwuemelie, to mobilize resources and collaborate with other security agencies to track down and bring the culprits to justice.
Egbetokun reaffirmed the commitment of the Nigeria Police Force to maintaining security and ensuring that acts disrupting the nation’s peace and safety are met with the full force of the law.