Social critic Martins Otse, known as VeryDarkMan, has issued an apology to the Nigeria Police Force for wearing a police uniform in a recent video. The police had previously condemned his unauthorized use of the attire and launched an investigation into the matter.
In the video, VeryDarkMan appeared in a police uniform, identifying himself humorously as a Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) of an "Online Division." Following public backlash, he posted an apology on Thursday, clarifying that his intention was not to impersonate the police.
He shared that he had been questioned by the police over the incident and urged Nigerians to seek official permission before using attire resembling police uniforms to avoid legal issues. “I didn’t intend to impersonate the police in any way and offer my unreserved apologies to the Nigeria Police Force and the office of the Inspector General of Police," he stated.
Additionally, VeryDarkMan advised the public to be cautious with uniforms that might resemble official attire. “You may have good intentions, but others might not, so it’s wise to get full approval to avoid any misunderstandings,” he added.
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