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June 13, 2024 June 12: Peter Obi Commends Tinubu for Fulfilling Campaign Promises

Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 general elections, Peter Obi, reaffirmed that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has delivered on his campaign promises to Nigerians. Obi made these remarks during a Democracy Day discussion on Arise TV.

During his election campaign, Tinubu pledged to build a Nigeria that prioritizes youth empowerment, promising ample job opportunities with fair wages to enhance livelihoods. He emphasized the country's potential to manufacture, innovate, and reduce dependence on imports, aiming to strengthen the economy and stabilize the national currency.

Obi, who competed against Tinubu and finished third according to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), acknowledged that Tinubu has upheld his commitment to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor.

"I believe President Tinubu has performed exceptionally well in his first year in office. I would say that he has fulfilled his campaign promises," Obi stated. "Throughout his campaign, he consistently emphasized continuing from where Buhari left off, and he has done so admirably."

The dollar was N450, it’s now N1500. Fuel was about N238, it’s now about N700; diesel was N844, it’s now N1415; a bag of rice was N30000-N35000, it’s now about N80,000; a bag of beans was similar, N30,000-35000, it’s now about N90,000; a tuber of yam was about N2000-N3000, but now it’s about N10,000; tomatoes basket was about N40,000 and now it’s about N150,000; electricity was N66 per kilowatt but now it’s about N200, you can go on and on. “Even bread, which is a basic thing other countries are subsidizing, small-medium bread was about N450 but is now N900. The big one is about N1500.”

Tinubu's broader promises included support for farmers, enhancing public infrastructure, empowering youth and women through emerging sectors like the digital economy and tourism, ensuring affordable healthcare, education, and housing, and implementing robust national security measures to combat extremism and crime.

The assessment by Peter Obi underscores his perspective on Tinubu's governance and the fulfillment of his electoral pledges in his initial year as President.

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