Bandits raided the Confluence University of Science and Technology, Osara, Okene in Kogi State on Thursday night, kidnapping several students as they prepared for upcoming exams. According to an eyewitness, the bandits arrived around 9 pm, entering through the bush and firing shots into the air to create panic among the students studying in three lecture halls. Despite efforts by local security guards and the school's security personnel, the bandits managed to abduct some students before being engaged.
The students, who were gearing up for their first-semester exams set to begin on Monday, May 13, were caught off guard by the attack. Some students sought refuge in the surrounding bush for over an hour until the situation calmed down.
Confirming the incident, CUSTEC Vice Chancellor, Prof. Abdulrahman Asipita, acknowledged the situation but declined to provide details on the number of abducted students, stating, "I don't talk to journalists on incidents like this, but I want you to know that we are on top of the situation."
Efforts to contact Kogi Commissioner of Police, Mr Bethrand Onuoha, and Retired Cdre Jerry Omodara, State Security Adviser, were unsuccessful as their calls went unanswered.
Unfortunately, such abductions for ransom have become increasingly common across the country. In February, gunmen abducted nine travelers in Oshokoshoko along the Kabba/Obajana/Lokoja Road in Kogi State.