Renowned Nigerian rapper MI, whose real name is Jude Abaga, and his wife Eniola Mafe, have recently shared their personal experiences with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), shedding light on their journey of managing the neurodevelopmental disorder that can persist from childhood into adulthood.
ADHD is characterized by symptoms such as difficulty paying attention, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity.
During an insightful interview on the Aproko Doctor podcast, the couple discussed how they navigate their lives while dealing with ADHD, emphasizing the significance of effective communication and understanding within their relationship.
Mafe, who was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 19, candidly revealed how the disorder impacted her during her school years.
Reflecting on her journey of coping with the mental disorder, she shared, "It’s not something you can simply cut out. It’s actually an integral part of who you are. It shapes your thinking, acceptance of the world, and dealing with rejection, among other things. For me, it was about understanding all the aspects of myself that seemed confusing. It affected me academically, particularly in terms of organizing my thoughts."
Detailing his experience with the condition, the ace rapper said in part, "For me, my childhood was just that I loved music. It was tough for me to read in class, probably because I wasn’t paying attention. If I were really interested in something artistic, I would excel really well, while my school was suffering for it.
"By the time I went to college, I figured out that the ADHD thing was me, and I still couldn’t connect the two dots together. I think the first time that I really got a sense of how much it can control a person was in our relationship, when Eni would explain. And I googled it, and it was almost like a weight off my shoulders. I can look back at some of those things differently now that they were always going to be part of my journey in life.
He added, "To me, it’s both the thing that has given me so much, because it is where I go to, like, create, and at the same time, it’s the part of me that I want to understand the most."
The Abagas got married on September 22, 2022, in a traditional wedding ceremony held for the pair in Lagos. After the low-key wedding, a video of it went viral online, showing the singer and his wife looking stunning in their traditional attire.