Big Brother paid for the housemates' overnight movie date, which almost devolved into a yelling match between Phyna and Chomzy.
Phyna and Chomzy had a heart-to-heart that turned into a quarrel, and the latter argued that the Phyna and Groovy friendship was a tremendous betrayal to disqualified roommate Beauty.
Phyna defended them by recalling conversations she had with Amaka about Beauty's attitude toward Groovy. Groovy also revealed that he and Beauty had split up following their epic argument, which led to her disqualification from the show, and that he owed her no "loyalty."
Remember how Beauty and Groovy started dating in the first week of the season? Beauty's excessive jealousy and violent behavior, on the other hand, harmed their relationship.
Because of how things ended with Groovy and the disqualified beauty queen, many housemates, notably Doyin, have raised reservations about the Groovy and Phyna ship.