Obinna Iyiegbu, often known as Obi Cubana, is a well-known businessman who is now enjoying his 14th wedding anniversary with his wife Ebele.
On Tuesday, the couple posted a new declaration of love on each other's Instagram accounts.
It's been 14 joyful years of living my life with you, baby M!, the Cubana Group chairman captioned a video of the couple kissing. We wish you a happy anniversary!
Ebele also shared glitzy photos of herself with Cubana and chose to write a lengthy love letter in which she praised her "hero in shining armor" and the "monarch to her heart."
“14 years ago, we started this journey in love yet unsure of the future. 14 years later, we are still on this journey recording great success. I still get so much joy just loving you and wanting to do this life with you.
“I pray that the God I serve will continually see us through all the years of our marriage because we made him our firm foundation. I do not and will never take the grace of God in this marriage for granted.
“Thank you for making it easier for me to love you. I know sometimes you get me upset but then again, we still have our way of sorting it all out without shouting and getting at each other’s throat. That is grace! Today, I reaffirm my love for you and my intention to carry on loving you, faults and all. May God continue to give me the grace to keep loving you and being your help meet.”
Iyiegbu got married to Ebele in 2008. Their marriage is blessed with four sons.