On Friday, the police arraigned Seyi Olakanmi, a 42-year-old man, before an Ado-Ekiti Chief Magistrates’ Court on charges of forgery, fraud, and breach of peace. Olakanmi, who has no fixed address, faces a three-count charge.
Police Prosecutor Inspector Olasunkanmi Bamikole informed the court that the alleged offenses occurred on May 7 at around 10 a.m. on Erinfun Street, off Poly Road, Ado-Ekiti. Bamikole accused Olakanmi of forging receipts for ASAO family land and Fajemilua family land.
Additionally, he allegedly obtained N630,000 from Ekele Daniel under the pretense of selling a plot of land he did not own.
Olakanmi also allegedly conducted himself in a manner likely to cause a breach of the peace. The prosecutor stated that the charges contravene Sections 376(1), 329(3), and 181(D) of the Criminal Law of Ekiti State, 2021. He requested an adjournment to study the case file and present witnesses.
The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges. The case was adjourned until July 15 for a hearing.