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June 21, 2024 Binance Official’s Wife Appeals to Nigerian Government to Halt Husband’s Trial, Seeks U.S. Assistance

Yuki Gambaryan, the wife of top Binance official Tigran Gambaryan, has urged Nigerian authorities to halt her husband's prosecution and release him from detention. On Thursday, she also renewed her appeal to the United States government for stronger intervention to pressure Nigeria for his release.

Tigran Gambaryan is currently detained under a court order in Abuja, facing money laundering charges at the Federal High Court in Nigeria's capital. Last month, the court denied his bail application, citing him as a flight risk.

In a statement released late Thursday, Mrs. Gambaryan argued there is no justification for the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to continue prosecuting her husband. Her call follows the Nigerian Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) decision to drop tax evasion charges against Mr. Gambaryan, agreeing to serve those charges solely on Binance.

"Since the FIRS charges were dropped last week and they agreed to serve those charges solely on Binance, I do not see why the EFCC cannot do the same," Mrs. Gambaryan stated.

At a June 14 hearing, the prosecution in the tax evasion case dropped charges against Mr. Gambaryan after Binance appointed an agent in Nigeria, shifting the focus to the company.

Referencing this development, Mrs. Gambaryan urged Nigerian authorities to "do the right thing and let my innocent husband go." She reiterated her plea for U.S. government intervention, emphasizing that Tigran is an innocent American citizen.

"I am also once again calling on the US government to intervene more forcefully. Tigran’s and my own tax dollars get sent to Nigeria in aid every year. Nigeria is supposed to be an ally. I refuse to believe that our State Department cannot do more to have an innocent American citizen released," she added.

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